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Hard Style Vs Soft Style Kettlebell Fitness Courses

Hard Style Vs Soft Style Kettlebell Fitness Courses

Online kettlebell certification training can be primarily divided into two categories; the hard style and the soft style. Each of these is popular in its own way and has its own purpose and focus. As a kettlebell trainer, you must be an expert in both the styles so as to cater to the needs of a wider client base. The styles and their techniques are taught at fitness courses which you should know in details before starting to train clients.


With the fitness course we offer, the hard-style approach of kettlebell training resembles the tough hand-to-hand combat practiced by select army units of the former Soviet Union. It has been remodelled so as to dilute the intensity while sticking to the basics so that regular exercisers can practice it with ease.

The soft-style approach, on the other hand, is primarily followed in kettlebell competitions. Also known as Giveroy Sport training, this style prepares athletes, who participate regularly in competitive events such as the jerk, snatch and clean and jerk.

The Basics

You will learn all about the basic difference in training approach between the hard-style and the soft style during your fitness courses. The hard-style always emphasizes on high-intensity movements with few reps. It aims at increasing your body’s power through short; explosive and hard hitting movements rather than conserving it. Each rep in the hard-style training is performed with the same intensity no matter the weight you are lifting.

On the other hand, the soft-style of approach focuses more on fluid movements where the kettlebell just ‘floats’ in sync with your body across different places. There are periods of relaxation and alternate rest days so as to enhance your strength by conserving energy.

Effort Required

In the hard-style of kettlebell training, clients will try to lift as heavy a kettlebell as possible in short bursts of effort. In the soft-style however, clients lift much lighter loads but continue for longer duration. For example, in hard-style training, a client can perform about 125 reps in four to five 5 minutes whereas in soft-style the same client will perform only 100 reps in the same time. However, in soft-style, the client can continue for long, doing up to 200 reps without exhaustion.

Breathing Technique

Breathing correctly plays a crucial part in both hard-style and soft-style of kettlebell training. In the hard-style, you are breathing opposite to your movement i.e you exhale when the trunk is extended and inhale when the tension is maximum on your spine. Because of this breathing technique, it is more difficult to maintain a stable spine while performing hard-style kettlebell workout.

In soft-style kettlebell training, you are breathing in sync with your movement. This means you will inhale while the trunk is extended and exhale when the load in maximum on the spine. The soft-style breathing technique is safer for your spine.


Through fitness courses, you will learn that both the styles have their unique benefit. The hard-style approach is primarily used to build stamina, strength and endurance in a short period of time. The soft-style is a more relaxed approach that tones and conditions your body.